Day 0 - Arriving in Seattle
It’s typical that as soon as you are going away some vital urgent thing pops up and everyone who should know (given you booked it months ago and put the dates on the top of every weekly report) are surprised you’re not going to be there.
So it was all panic when I left work I did all I could to get things in the right place so it should go fine. I missed out on free pizza too which I’d very much like to have now but I’m getting ahead of myself.
I left at normal sort of time since I had a late flight I looked at getting the VTA but it suggested a 45min trip for not actually very far. I think I could have walked it in 45min though maybe not with lugging bags and so forth.
I took an Uber instead which was nice quick while I was waiting I chatted to the security guard who asked me if I was going out of state which threw me a little I don’t really think in terms of states. I know that here it’s more of a big deal given the size and scope. He then chatted to me about various gaming and internet conferences he mentioned Twitch con which is down in San Francisco in a month or so I’ve not really been that interested in going to that one but I am going to the playstation experience also in SF a bit later in the year. My Uber arrived and we cruised over to the airport took about 5 minutes dropped me at the terminal B and I then went through the security.
I finally got round to getting a tsa friendly all plastic belt so I don’t have to stand there holding my trousers up while being irradiated worked pretty well. Went through settled in with a book and waited for the flight. I looked around at food options but nothing grabbed me lot of restaurants I wanted something quick like a sandwich but none of the places had any.
At about 9:15 they started bording our flight I was in the enviable position of A01 so was the first of the general passengers on the plane. I stuck my back in the bin and grabbed a window seat settling back in with my book. We got a nice view of the bay as we swooped up and over.
It’s a short flight out about an hour and half in the air we arrived in Seattle at about 11:40. We got a spectacular nighttime view of the space needle naturally I was without an easy to access camera. I grabbed my bag and hoofed it over to the light rail not wanting to miss the last train.
The final train downtown didn’t leave till 12:10 so I actually had plenty of time still better safe than sorry. I rode the light rail downtown and hopped off at the last stop the Westlake center.
The hotel I’m staying at for the first section of the trip is a fairly swanky Hyatt at Olive8 (street names olive street and 8th ave the hotel is on that corner) and I got a nice king sized room on the 16th floor with a fantastic view directly into someones offices. It was now too late for room service and I didn’t see anywhere open that would sell me food so I’m just going to go hungry. I looked around for perhaps a mini bar but they have a psudo fridge instead which normally I would prefer as I rarely use expensive mini bars and would prefer somewhere to keep a drink cold.
Anyway I set up everything to charge and then went to bed as PAX starts bright and early tomorrow morning.
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