PAX Day Four – Monday 31st

Category: PAX Prime 2015 + Seattle Published: Tuesday, 01 September 2015 Written by Evilmatt

Final pax day and I started it with the third and final Mike and Jerry Q&A which was fun they mentioned this game called Deception that they played in their first 15 video series that sounded really interesting and there was a vita version so I gave that a go. I then headed over to the show floor with the intention of seeing if I could get some goes on things. It was super busy even more than the other days and I couldn't really get near anything even the less popular stuff had huge queues. I grabbed a bit of pizza for lunch this time less volcanic than yesterday.


I headed through the indie sections of the show floor which had lots of interesting looking games there was Divinity: Original Sin 2 and several other. A lot of these had already gone early access or some such which rather reduced their impact. Why queue for hours to try something that if you really want to you can own for ten dollars.


I watched a panel on magic the gathering not really out of interests more due to found something to do rather than wander the stampeding death arena of the show floor.


After that I watched a panel on streaming D&D which was interesting they talked about how they had to change how they played to suit their audience.


I had a brief nap then headed down to the Benaroya opera house for the Omegathon final round. I always like to catch it if I can it puts a nice bow on the thing. I can remember at PAX East this year Jen getting very excited during that final round and it's surprisingly compelling as an event. This year the game was a custom level in the new Mario Maker themed around PAX. It was brutal and was full of traps and difficult sections. The challenge format was each player got 5 games to win. If the first player won on his 5 then the second player had the chance to steal it by completing it in less games or some such. If the second player won after the first player had his 5 then that was that.


It took them some 20 games before one of them beat it and the levels were pretty tough it had lots of PAX & Seattle themed stuff you started at the space needle worked through traffic to the convention center and then into pax with the PC room and the tabletop room it was pretty great.


With the final round over and PAX finished for another year I headed back to my hotel room. I'll probably have a lazy day tomorrow as I'm here for the rest of the week maybe pop down to the water front or have a wander in Pike Place Market. Maybe find a good coffee shop and just have a read.



It's been a good PAX some interesting panels which I've enjoyed it's a fun if hectic four days. Monday is always a bit more relaxed with less on as it all finishes late afternoon. As I walked back there were lots of people packing up grabbing their bags and heading out. I expect Seattle will be a lot quieter tomorrow.

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