Seattle Friday 4th
I got woken up by housekeeping as I forgot to hang the “piss off don't bother me!” sign on the door. I had some coffee got washed and dressed then headed out.
I decided to take the monorail down to Seattle Center where the space needle is it was not the best day and there was a huge queue for that so I decided to go into the EMP museum. They had a special exhibit on the costumes of Starwars. They had lots of costumes from episode 1-3 and a few from episodes 4-6. The ep 1-3 were on the ground floor and had lots of behind the scenes videos and boards talking about the costumes, their construction, and how they were used. The costumes were quite varied the simple robes of the jedi and then the elaborate embroidered and layered costumes for the senate and princess Amidala. Upstairs they had a few costumes including leia's bikini and her bounty hunter disguise. They also had a tie fighter pilot storm trooper xwing pilot and darth vader.
They had some bits of fabric you could look at and touch that were the same types as used in the various costumes. Lots of really fine detail work they showed the costumers who made the things talking about the effort involved which was huge.
After that I headed into their indie games exhibit which had lots of indie games to try out as well as lots of inteviews with games designers, game journalist, industry figures, and schools for game people. It was quite interesting and fun little exhibit.
Next was the Infinite Worlds of Scifi exhibit which had lots of props and pieces from film and tv as well as a few videos. They had one of the T800 robots skeletons, the mask and hands of Greedo from Starwars ep 4, several miniatures from ep1. Costumes and props from blade runner. A klingon outfit and weapons. A Darlek and a Cyberman both old school. A Proton pack and ghost trap from Ghostbusters. A hover board from back to the future. Some outfits from battlestar galactica. A short video by scifi authors on what scifi is and how it works. A wall of various scifi weapons from star trek phasers to men in black guns. A few bits of the models from alien and some armor from aliens.
It was all set in a nice room decked out like it was a spacecraft.
Finally I headed upstairs to an exhibition on Chuck Jones the legendary Warner brothers artist animator and director who did a lot of the loony toons. I wasn't allowed to take pictures as they didn't own the artworks. There were lots of sketches and cells and backgrounds as well as reference drawings of bugs and daffy. They had several cartoons running and interviews with Chuck Jones on various things it was a great exhibition.
After that I was feeling a bit peckish so went to the nearby food hall called the Armory (which at one time housed the 146th field artillery and now had a load of food outlets) I had a miniature shepherd's pie (WITH BEEF!) which was quite tasty.
When I first visited the Space Needle a few years back with Byrnie it and the EMP were basically the only things there with a wide empty park area. There wasn't even any food places we had to make use of the bar in the EMP hardship that that was. Now there is quite a lot there including a science museum and this garden of glass thing as well as a the large food court area in the Armory. It's quite a change.
I decided after that to head back as I was a bit tired. I figured I could do some of the other things another day and maybe the space needle if the weather was better.
I read and played some games then had a burger in the hotel bar as well as a few local brews.
I decided for some reason that tomorrow I'm going to go on the duck boat tour and it being a weekend was fairly booked late in the day so I booked on the internet for 10am. So I need to get some sleep so I can get up for that and be down at the set off point for 9:30. So early night for me.
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