Boston: Arrival Day

Category: Boston + Pax East 2015 Published: Friday, 06 March 2015 Written by Evilmatt

I got up very early (at 4am) so I was ready for the shuttle bus to take me to the airport (at 5am) for my flight to Boston (at 7:50am). I got to the airport checked my bags got an early birthday wishes from the TSA lady checking ID passed through security being mildly irradiated and then settled in for some waiting. 


The flight was OK I managed to sleep through most of it. I got to Boston a little ahead of time got my bags and retrieved my coat. On the way in I could see the whole area was white with snow weather forecast suggested temperatures in the -10 area with winter storm Thor bearing down on the area that day.


On the ground it was cold but it was dry with no new snow most of the snow had been heaped up out the way and most of the pavements were dry and clear of snow or ice so it wasn’t too bad to get about with luggage. My triple action coat was sufficiently warm in mode 1 just the outer part with a jumper. Gloves were essential and I did feel the need for a hat which I hadn’t gotten out for some reason.


The airport was packed with people and there were a lot of canceled flights partly due to Thor the storm some due to Thor god of thunder and the remainder due to a delta plane at laGuardia in New York skidding off the runway and nearly into the sea. Luckily no-one was seriously hurt but it shutdown LaGuardia and made things that little bit more difficult for other people.


I jumped on the sliver line bus which was free from the airport. I rode it to the red line rode that a few stops then got on the green line trying to workout if I was on the right train. Anyone but E would work but I couldn’t see a way to tell which train was which. Luckilly mine turned out to be a B train and took me to my destination. I then walked a few blocks over to the airbnb place.


It was on a street of nice looking redbrick buildings and when I got there Byrnie let me in, after some slight difficulty negotiating the air lock door section without getting locked out himself. The front entrance had two doors one further back presumably to keep the warm in. But they were too far apart to reach one from the other. Eventually a handy piece of stick was deployed as a door stop and we were in business.


The flat we rented was in the basement and ran the length of the building with two bedrooms, one at either end, a living room in the middle, a small kitchen, bathroom at one end and a small toilet and sink at the other. It was fairly nice a little battered in places but more than suitable for our needs.


We relaxed and chatted while watching Chuck Norris in Walker Texas Ranger a bizarre show that was quite awful. We tried to order in some pizza but the place we ordered from never sent the order to the actual restaurant, we think due to using a uk phone number. so we didn’t get any pizza. So we popped out and grabbed some sandwiches from subway. On the way out we encountered a bunch of what must have been college kids in their pajamas in the cold. I was feeling it a bit through my multiple layers of clothes so they must have been freezing. I assume alcohol was involved somehow. 


We ate our sandwiches watched Jurassic Park 3 and then went to bed fairly early. We were all tired and we have an early start tomorrow when PAX East starts up.

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