PAX East Day Two (Saturday 7th March)
After some sleep we got up early for another day of pax. Coffee was had and byrnie and Jen ate the remaining 2 pop tarts.
We headed out and down to the t stop. Today the traffic pattern was reversed green empty red busy and silver packed. On the red line only one door opened which proved a problem for the solid snake cosplay guy with his large cardboard box. We decided to walk from park street to bcec rather than wait for the silver as it was a short 15 min walk.
We got to the conference center about 930 and passed through the bag check. There seemed to be a lot of people in a big hurry to get somewhere, not the show floor and not the make a strip where we were going so not sure what we were missing.
We lined up fairly close to the front for the main theater.
We got in fairly quick and were down the far side near the front with a good view of the stage. A short while later they started the panel. It turned out the question lobster had yet to arrive so after writing the strip jerry had nothing to do while mike began drawing. Improvising jerry wandered the crowd seeking questions like some modern day Oprah or Jerry Springer. He managed a few fairly good questions before the lobster arrived and normal service resumed.
The strip was a pretty good one and weather relevant talking about ice sculptures that were really cosplay.
Then we wandered the floor got swag bags examined a keyboard at cooler masters wandered the floor some more. Then lunch in one of the smaller sandwich outlets.
After that we went for coffee but the line was too long so we waited then went to see chainsawsuit live with Kris straub and Mikey Neumann which was funny we got special treatment
After that we went for coffee huge queue but we persevered the people in front were buying thousands of coffees and really jammed things up.
After that we went to band land byrnie and Jen talked with Paul and storm then got merch. Then we swung by the able gamers booth where byrnie and Jen had a chat with the guy from yesterday Mark Barlet meanwhile a tweet I wrote the previous day repeating the gist of one of the things their panel said got retweeted a bunch which was odd.
The cosplay is pretty top notch I saw an amazing tali costume from mass effect though I didn't get a picture.
After that we decided to head home as we were all tired plus tonight is when the clocks go back so if we stayed out to the same time for the concerts as we had the previous night we would have been back by 1am which would have become 2am and very little sleep would have been available.
We took the shuttle bus back pausing only to say hello to the bus drivers son in San Francisco upon request. Traffic was heavy and we ended up taking a roundabout route and for a while driving away from our destination into odd industrial areas. I entertained the possibility that the bus driver was a very ambitious serial killed intent to butcher us all but he was just taking a side route.
Once deposited at the Hilton back bay we headed in grabbing some supplies en route including pop tarts bread hard cider and various meats for sandwiches. We then headed home and watched some swamp people then the new adventures of tomato man/ NCIS and finally the movie deep impact.
We decided to retry the pizza ordering scheme that went so wrong the first night and this time phoned a couple of places. The first one took our order then told us they didn’t deliver that far out. We tried again this time linking the zip code to our search and asking first if they would actually deliver here. We ordered a large Steak Bomb some jalapeno poppers, some buffalo wingdings, and some sweet potato fries. It took about an hour for our meal to arrive at which time we sat down at the table and tucked in.
The pizza was good the sides also and we enjoyed that with our cider. After we were worn out and so tidied up and headed off to bed.
Tomorrow is the last day of PAX East still some more stuff to see but it seems to have flown past as it often does.
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