Blenheim 12/9/13

Category: Blenhiem Published: Friday, 20 September 2013 Written by Evilmatt

We got up earlish and it looked like the weather was a touch better still blowy but not raining. We packed up and loaded up the car ready to go checked out of the hotel and headed out for food. We grabbed a sandwich from subway and then had a look around for some materials for a time lapse container for the boat trip between the islands.

We decided on a cardboard box file Velcro to secure things and then a slot cut in the side covered with a ruler secured with tape. It fitted about right the existing camera setup had velcro to secure it so it could pop off the dash and then into the box. The only wrinkle was the cameras were a bit far back.

After that we walked back to the hotel to get the car. I grabbed some new sea sickness meds on the way as I was running low. With that sorted out we jumped in the car constructed our time lapse container and then headed to the ferry terminal.

It was pretty close and we arrived with time to spare we sat in a queue for a half hour or so waiting for the ferry to load. It wasn’t a drive on drive off we had to turn around in the ferry and as a result we were in the front of the car line for getting off the ferry.

Once we were parked we grabbed a few distractions and headed up to the passenger deck. We didn’t get there in time for a front seat so we made do with a side view setting the camera up to see out of the window. I spent most of the crossing reading with the occasional trip out for fresh air.

The crossing was quite interesting we were insight of land for most of it only the very middle of the crossing was out in the open. The ferry had a top deck you could get to that looked out over the sea and I spent some time up there for fresh air and photo taking. It was a fairly mild crossing and not too rocky the worst part was the gap in the middle and even then it was quite smooth.

Once we got across we drove to Blenheim which we refered to as a kamloops a stop part way to the real destination. When we arrived at the hotel, the two tree lodge, it was a small place and seemingly the owners had just added some rooms to their property to turn into a hotel. When we got to reception it was inside the owners kitchen and he was cooking up a meal at the time. He took us round to the room and showed us what was what.

The room was really nice very new stuff and even a nice patio outside a little kitchenette, minus sink due to zoning issues apparently, and a nice spacious room. The only problem was there was only one bed. Luckily the owner said he could put in a little bed for us while we went out and grabbed food he also recommended some good restaurants.

Blenheim was pretty small place it had a fair amount of businesses as well as a drive through liquor store if you can believe it.

We headed out to a place called Raupo in downtown Blenheim which had a muscle car museum. It was a nice little place sat next to a river with a nice view of the mountains. We ordered some food I had Lamb, Byrnie had risotto and we both had a bottle of Renaissance Scotch Ale a local brewery. He asked us if we wanted it chilled or room temp then recommended room temp the bottle said chilled but still it was a nice beer dark full of flavors.

The food was excellent my Lamb was juicy and delicious with a nice mash and gravy. We managed a pudding as well with Byrnie having a Ginger and Date pudding while I had Frozen chocolate mouse cake. We washed that down with coffee for me and peppermint tea for Byrnie. There was some discussion of port but we had driven there so decide not to.

We then staggered back to the hotel to collapse.

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