Christchurch Day 2 15/9/13
I woke up feeling very rough I guess the lurgy Byrnie had caught up with me. Some drugs strepsil and coffee later I was feeling more human and we decided to try and do something with the day.
We decided to head to a wildlife park with hopes of seeing a kiwi. We got there pretty late and since we hadn’t eaten we had lunch first. I had a BLAT bacon lettuce avocado tomato sandwich and Byrnie had fish and chips. The portions were quite large and we felt fairly full and a nice walk round the wildlife park seemed just the trick.
We saw eels, various ducks, deer, geese, chickens, and lots of sparrows. We saw swans both Black and White varieties. The park had taken a bit of damaged from the storms and saddest of all their emu bubbles had died during the high winds.
Next they had wallabys which were quite cute, some Capuchin monkies who were playing and jumping about. There was an otter area but no otters. Next various lemurs black ruffed and ring tailed as well as some brightly coloured bird that was running around doing some sort of display. At this point the park ranger person came to chase us out of the park as apparently the park closed at 5 which we hadn’t realized. We ran round some of the rest seeing horses, peacock, more chickens, donkey, lamas, pigs, and rabbits. At this point we had to leave as the park was closing so we didn’t get to see the kiwis which was a shame.
We headed back to the hotel and had some drinks watched some tv mostly 1970 sitcoms and then episodes of thunderbirds and played some games. Later we grabbed some pizza and other food items and some lemsip. We also got some ice cream prefect for the winter weather. We returned home to play more xcom eat pizza and watch episodes of columbo.
I turned in a bit early as tomorrow we head off to Dunedin.
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