Final Travel Day 20/9/13
We got up at 6 and then struggled to disable the various alarms festooned about the room. We had the forethought to pack almost everything the night before so we just needed to wash dress throw out junk pack a few things and check out. We were out of the room by 6.50 leaving behind a present of a jar of branston pickle, a bottle of ketchup, a jar of instant coffee, a lynx aerosol deoderant, and some chewing gum winter mint flavor.
We headed down to the front desk and checked out then waited for the shuttle van to take us to the airport. The van showed up on schedule at about ten past seven and we loaded it up with us and our things then headed directly to the airport as we were apparently the only takers that morning.
We got in to the airport at 7:40 ish and checked out bags then sat down to wait for out 9:50 flight. We had a breakfast I had the full breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, toast, and tomato Byrnie had eggs Benedict. We washed that down with some coffees and watched a race in the america’s cup which all the kiwis were mad about but they lost to oracle so that was that.
Our flight landed at about 9 and by half past they had has go to the gate and through the metal detector. We then had to wait till about 10 as there was some problem that prevented boarding. Byrnie and Me were in the exit row and therefore got a bit more room the new anti sickness meds I got in Wellington seemed to be the drowsy ones and I was soon dozing. We didn’t take off on time as some guy was violently sick and had to be removed for medical care, so they had to find and remove his bag. That didn’t take too long and we were soon in the air. I slept a bit through the flight and woke to have the free tea and cookie. We landed more or less on time but then various disasters ment we couldn’t go to the gate and we had to exit via a set of stairs. It took quite a while to sort that out but we weren’t that late getting out and since we had 7 hours till our next flight we weren’t in any hurry.
Grabbing our luggage we treked across Auckland airport to their international terminal which is a fair distance. We got to the air newzealand desks checked in and found that it was a completely full flight the lady said there was no chance of aranging to sit together. I got an aisle seat and so did Byrnie so that should do fine we might be able to swap in flight or something, if not it’s not a big deal.
We dropped our bags and headed off to find a drink I got an iced coffee and byrnie a latte mine came as a frapachino style thing blended ice drink rather than what I’d expected iced coffee. Still it was nice and cold so it did the job. After that we went in search of powersockets to burn through our remaining data packages we bought for the NZ sims which will expire if we don’t use it and so might as well be burnt up now rather than unused.
Now we play the waiting game waiting for our flight and time to head home.
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