Pre PAX Day 29/8/13

Category: PAX Prime 2013 Published: Saturday, 31 August 2013 Written by Evilmatt

I took a flight after work but this was peak traffic time so it cut pretty close even though I left fairly early ate a horrible airport ham and cheese sandwich and got into Seattle late and eventually met up with Byrnie.


When I got to the hotel and checked in the guy on the desk denied all knowledge of him and then offered to sell me a single ticket for Saturday. I politely declined and tried texting Byrn it turned out my phone has an international block on it so I couldn’t call or SMS a UK mobile. T-Mobile said they would lift the block but it would cost 10 bucks a month. That sounded a little much for a single call.

We eventually coordinated by google hangouts and I let him know what the room number was. The room was fairly nice a standard two bedroom room, coffee maker, safe, two beds, two bathrooms … the last part confused me at first I thought it was a mirror. Then an open door to another room but it turned out that for some reason this room has two bathrooms complete with sink shower bath and toilet. It makes for a quicker getting up process if nothing else.

We were both tired so didn’t stay up long crashing with plans to hit the keynote the following morning.

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