PAX Day 2 31/8/13 No Ticket Day

Category: PAX Prime 2013 Published: Sunday, 01 September 2013 Written by Evilmatt

We didn’t have tickets for the day so we went for a relaxed start. We hooked up a laptop to the tv and for the make a strip panel we streamed it. The hotel wifi wasn’t up to the task so we used the tethering on my phone for more bandwidth. The stream worked OK we found that it did cut out occasionally which often seemed to be more Twitch TV’s fault rather than our connection. It was mostly OK some questions got cut off or missing but it was good enough.


After that we were quite hungry so we headed over to the front and looked for somewhere to eat. We stopped at a place called the Steelhead Dinner and had lunch. We both had a bowl of gumbo and a po’boy shrimp sandwich washed down with a pint of some IPA the name of which I forget. It was pretty tasty a nice beer and a really rib sticking gumbo and a tasty sandwich. After that we were a bit stuffed so made our a back to the hotel picking up some drinks on the way.

Later we streamed the Acquisitions Inc live D&D which had Jerry asOmin Dran, Mike as Jim Darkmagic, Scott Kurtz as Binwin Bronzebottom, and Patrick Rothfuss as Vairi. They played a game which was pretty funny they will likely put it online. Again the streaming was a bit hit and miss but it was still a fun game.


After that we watched some Pawn Stars and then got a sandwich, we rounded off the evening by watching Nightmare on Elm street pt 3 Dream Warriors which was pretty bad. A fairly relaxed day tomorrow we have tickets again so hopefully we'll see some good stuff.

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