Drive to Wellington 8/9/13
We got up fairly early and had a breakfast of coffee and cereal bars. We packed up the car and checked out of the hotel then headed into town to pick up a few bits for the time laspe rig and the trip. Grabbing a usb stick, a pill box, 2 monster drinks, and 2 diet cokes. After that we went to mcdonalds for breakfast the restaurant had a plane (presumably a mcdonald douglas) with the mcdonalds colours. We’d missed breakfast so I had a mac angus and Byrnie had some chicken thing. After that we headed back to the car and set things up.
With the cameras setup we headed over to the rapids. They are a bit odd they were some rapids then they dammed the river and the rapids ceased to be but since people liked them they open the locks to recreate the rapids a few times a day. Due to google pointing us to the wrong place we missed the start of rapids time but we did manage to see it before it completely drained away. The next time was a lot later so we couldn’t really wait as we had a fairly long drive. We took a few photos of the draining rapids and then did a check on the time lapse. It seemed the time lapse was only recording on one of the cameras we didn’t have enough time to fix things so set it up with the one camera and headed off.
The car was a little low on fuel so we filled up on our way out of Taupo. Fueled and ready to go we headed out on the road it was pretty variable weather great one minute then chucking it down the next.
We had found a place to stop en-route a windmill and we were on our way there but once again our nemesis google decided to send us in the wrong direction and took us to the windmill delicatessen in a place called Bulls. We stopped for a coffee and a peppermint slice at the local mcdonalds which had a mccafe which seems to be a starbucks copy. After that we checked the timelapse rig and discovered it had stopped recording which was annoying. We made a few changes and got the thing working properly then headed off as it was getting late.
We did end up passing the actual windmill a bit later on as we drove through foxton but it was getting dark by that point so we didn’t have time to stop. We drove the rest of the way to Wellington and got to the hotel which was called the Bay Plaza hotel. Our room was on the 11th floor with a single and a double bed my turn for the double bed this time. It was a bit run down as a hotel but it had a pretty good view. We settled in checked the photos and did then watched some tv ate some sandwiches and generally settled in.
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