Day Three: San Diego Zoo

Category: San Diego 2014 Published: Monday, 24 March 2014 Written by Evilmatt

Initially the weather looked a little bad but it cleared up later in the day so I decided to head to the zoo. 

I took the light rail and the bus out to the zoo which is at the top of Balboa park. The zoo is pretty large about 100 acres with 3,700 animals of more than 650 species and subspecies. I spent the afternoon wandering around seeing the various animals. They had some really nice monkey exhibits with all sorts of species. They also had some gorillas that were having a nice snooze in the sun which was fun.

The Tiger was hiding we could just about see it hidden behind a tree. After that I headed to another section where they had the bigger animals. First up I saw a rhino that was having a nice snack. Some giraffes including some young ones who were all eating stuff. Next there were some Koalas who where all asleep hiding in their eucalyptus trees. A couple of very cute wombats and then some camels.

Next I headed to the Elephant enclosure where they had a couple of elephants enjoying the food. Some lions that were asleep a jaguar that was pacing back and forth people kept using flash guns on it which I don't think it was enjoying.

There were some sleepy polar bears that were having a nap then got up for a scratch and some carrots. By this point it was getting to closing time so I headed back up towards the exit. I saw some more monkeys and some bears some really big birds. As I headed out I saw some Tasmanian devils they were sleeping looking cute. 

I passed the panda area but it was totally packed and by that point I couldn't be bothered with the wait. 

I jumped on the bus and headed back to the hotel.

So today was my last full day here I head back home tomorrow it's been a fun little break and I've enjoyed myself. I liked San Diego there's a lot here to see and it's pretty nice weather. 

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