Seattle Sunday 6th

Category: Uncategorised Published: Monday, 07 September 2015 Written by Evilmatt

Last full day I got up reasonably early got ready and then took a look at the weather. It was not a very nice day grey and with rain predicted. I decided to try some sort of inside activity so headed over to the Pacific Science Center near the space needle. I rode the monorail down and then wandered about as they'd fenced a lot of the area off for some sort of festival. I got the the Pacific science center and got tickets they have two imax cinemas so I picked one of their films as part of my entry fee.


The place looked very familiar for some reason even though I was sure I'd never been before. I realised it was because it had been recreated in a game I'd played set in Seattle called Infamous Second Son and part of the time was spent running around the outside of that building.


I had a wander through the various exhibits they were mostly aimed at younger kids but some were ok for adults too. They had a nice little butterfly area I had butterflys land on me twice once on my shoulder the other time on my head. There was also a bee hive and various other animals some nice some nasty.


I went to see an Imax film about humpback whales, it was in 3d and in the opening promo videos they did the most extreme version of the stuff flying out of the screen poking you in the face gimick I've seen. In this case it was 3 harrier jump jets and some sort of combat ship all right in your face. Normally I find the 3d breaks down into a headache inducing blur if you get stuff that close but this time it worked suprisingly well maybe due to my central positioning or just the width of the screen (this was a real imax not the smaller fake ones the cinemas have).


The whales movie was quite pretty some of it was mostly save the whales semi propaganda and not much in the way of science which was a bit annoying.


After that I headed back on the monorail had a look around the westlake food court for lunch but nothing grabbed me. I headed back intending on getting a sandwich or some such the little shop in the lobby wanted 8 dollars for a sandwich for something not all that nice and for that money I could have them bring me food. So I had room service some chicken wings and a turkey club it was pretty nice. I read and played games for the afternoon then had a nap.


Around 8 I headed down to the hotel bar and had fairly tasty skirt steak and kale Caesar salad. Which was pretty tasty and probably pretty good in terms of vegetable to meat ratio, kind of depends on the dressing involved. I finished working my way through the hotels selection of craft beers from the area there was a fine selection. I read my a book and enjoyed watching the Seattle night life go by on this labor day weekend.



I've had an excellent time this little holiday a great PAX and then some fun activities as well as plenty of good relaxation for when I get back into the grind next week. I fly home tomorrow and it's a fairly late flight leaving at 6:50 so I've got most of the day to do something with. I'm not sure what it will depend on weather and if I can leave my bags somewhere. I've made most of the adjustments to pack up ready to fly I'll make the rest tomorrow.

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