Transit to Dunedin 16/9/13
The last stop in our trip is Dunedin, we got ready and checked out by 10 we had a couple of stops planned and the guy at the hotel suggested another the Moeraki Boulders. We headed out on the road which from google looked like it might be quite good. We headed out towards our first stop an air museum it was a nice day sunny clear and the roads were not too bad. We made good time and the 80km to the museum went pretty quickly.
Christchurch Day 2 15/9/13
I woke up feeling very rough I guess the lurgy Byrnie had caught up with me. Some drugs strepsil and coffee later I was feeling more human and we decided to try and do something with the day.
Christchurch Day 1 14/9/13
We got up fairly late had coffee and a bacon butty then watched some tv while we woke up. When we were feeling refreshed we headed out to check out the botanical gardens and the town center. It was a smashing day bright and clear.